To assess students' abilities in reasoning and problem solving using verbal, quantitative, and spatial (nonverbal) symbols
- Concurrently normed with the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, the Iowa Tests of Educational Development, and the Tests of Achievement and Proficiency
- Completely revised test battery with Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal scores
- Provides interpretation models to enhance classroom instruction
- Provides predictive achievement scores when given with The Iowa Tests
- Assesses verbal reasoning with a minimal reading load
- Includes a Nonverbal Battery with oral directions
- Includes balance gender and ethnic representation
- Provides a valid and reliable method for identifying gifted students
- Provides extensive interpretive support for using scores in the classroom, including case studies
- Offers superior technical quality
- 1 instructional booklet
- 30 tests
- Available in the following levels: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8-9, 10, 10-11
CogAT Screener
CogAT Screening Levels 9-14
The CogAT Screening Form is a short form of CogAT. Both the CogAT Screening Form and the complete CogAT tests appraise the cognitive abilities of students from kindergarten through grade 12. Both measure students' learned reasoning abilities. Although grounded in biological processes, these abilities are developed through in-school and out-of-school experiences.
The primary purpose of the CogAT Screening Form is to reduce the amount of testing for schools that use CogAT scores solely to screen students for possible inclusion in programs for the gifted and talented. The complete CogAT should be administered when schools use profiles of students' verbal, quantitative, and spatial reasoning abilities to help adapt instruction to capitalize on the learning styles of students or to predict achievement.
Each box of screening tests comes with 25 test booklets and 1 administration guide.
Levels 9 - 14 (grades 3-8) are available for check out.
Please contact Riverside Publishing to order answer sheets, manuals, scoring, and reporting materials. Phone:(800) 323-9540 or Fax: (630) 467-7192.
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