List three references, including particularly persons under whom you have worked. Please provide letters of reference from those persons with your application if you do not have letters in your credentials.
I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts called for on this application is cause for dismissal. I also understand I may be assigned to positions other than that for which I initially made application and that my location of work and/or work hours may be changed. I agree that if employed by the Agency, in consideration for such employment, I shall become familiar with and comply with policies, procedures, and safety practices of the Agency as they exist. I authorize persons, schools, current employer (if applicable) and previous employers and organizations named in this application (accompanying resume, if any) to provide this Agency with any relevant information which may be required to arrive at any employment decision. I understand that a criminal records background check will be completed.
I understand that this application is not a contract of employment and that no hiring is legal until approved by the Mississippi Bend AEA Board of Directors.