Course Registration

First-time users

Begin by creating an account in AEA Learning Online

  • Do not create a second account within the system, as that can cause lost training records and issues logging in.  If you have created a previous account, first try to reset your password, and then check with your district contact person.
  • Remember to add employment information. If new to your district, reach out to the district’s Human Resource department for the password.

Registration for Training Modules and Self-Paced Courses

  1. Log into AEA Learning Online
  2. Click on the Catalog icon in the upper left corner
  3. Any district-favorited training will appear on the page. Either select a training from the list or search for the training title
  4. In addition to a keyword search,  you can browse by applying one of the filters on the left (e.g. Science, Nurse, etc.)
  5. Click the Register button if you are taking a training for the first time or if the certificate is expired

AEA Professional Learning registration

Licensure renewal and graduate credit courses, paraeducator certification; substitute authorization training, and informational classes held face-to-face, virtually, and in a blended environment. 

  1. Log into the AEA Professional Learning system
    1. If you created your account today or made any profile changes in AEA Learning Online you will not be able to access the account until the next day (the system updates overnight)
  2. Click on the Courses tab at the top of the screen
  3. Search by course title, number, or you can click on Advanced Search


Professional Learning Opportunities

Important contacts

Staff Directory


Jennifer Spray

Staff Development Specialist

Email Jennifer Spray