Iowa Family & Educator Partnership

FEP logoThe Iowa Family & Educator Partnership (Iowa FEP) provides parents and educators with opportunities to work together in positive ways to improve educational programs for children/youth with special needs.

The Iowa FEP operates through each of the Area Education Agencies and is part of a statewide network. We consist of Family & Educator Coordinators (parents of children with special needs) and an Educator Representative (special education division staff member).

The Iowa Family & Educator Partnership works to develop and sustain effective partnerships between families, educators, and community providers to promote success for all children and youth with disabilities.

The Family & Educator Partnership helps families and educators by:

  • Answering questions either by phone, e-mail or in person.
  • Referring to other resources.
  • Assisting with the communication process between families and schools.
  • Providing information about the IEP/IFSP process.
  • Review of procedural safeguards.
  • Help prepare for a meeting.
  • Attend IEP/IFSP or other school meetings as requested by the local school, AEA staff or parents.
  • Helping a family develop a vision for the student’s future.
  • Providing workshops on transition related topics.
  • Sharing information about community resources.
  • Collaborating with other agencies on family support and transition related issues.

Special Education Resources for Families and Educators

For more information contact:
Carol Aden
Family & Educator Coordinator
(Andrew, Bellevue, Bettendorf, Calamus-Wheatland, Camanche, Central DeWitt, Clinton, Delwood, Easton Valley, Northeast, North Scott, Maquoketa, and Pleasant Valley)
563-344-6287 or 1-800-947-2329

Rachel Terry
Family & Educator Coordinator
(Bennett, Columbus, Davenport, Durant, Louisa-Muscatine, Muscatine, West Liberty, and Wilton)
563-263-8476 or 1-800-947-2329

Important contacts

Staff Directory


Carol Aden

Family & Educator Partnership

Email Carol Aden


Rachel Terry

Family & Educator Partnership

Email Rachel Terry