• MBAEA Media December Newsletter

    The MBAEA Media Center provides a wide variety of instructional tools and resources for teachers and students to support teaching and learning. Check out Media's … Read More

  • Future Ready and MBAEA: Work-based Learning for all grades!

    Work-based learning includes a continuum of structured activities utilizing the partnership between industry and education to engage student learning. Through experiences with industry… Read More

  • MBAEA Wellbeing Team

    With the intention of increasing efforts to establish an environment where everyone feels safe and supported, the Mississippi Bend AEA (MBAEA) formed a Wellbeing… Read More

  • Professional Learning Opportunities

    Mississippi Bend AEA Professional Learning department would like to share some upcoming courses beginning in January.  View a complete list on our… Read More

  • Assistive Technology December Newsletter

    Check out these high-incidence, access, augmentative, and alternative communication (AAC) resources and more in our Assistive Technology Team's December newsletter. Read More

  • Professional Learning Opportunities: Science Educators

    There are several upcoming professional learning opportunities for MBAEA science educators. We hope you can join us! Iowa Science Learning Community This… Read More

  • Begin with the End in Mind

    By Abbie Keibler, MBAEA Speech-Languaue Pathologist Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP), unlike many classroom teachers, have the unique benefit of getting to “keep”… Read More

  • Register for the 2023 Teacher Job Fair

    The purpose of the Teacher Job Fair is to bring school districts looking for teachers together with teachers looking for jobs. All prospective and current… Read More

  • STEM and Computer Science Tidbits

    by Aaron Maurer STEM Lead for MBAEA This month is a computer science focus as many districts are… Read More

  • June High 5 Award Winners

    We would like to recognize our MBAEA High Five Award winners for December 2021. The effort, dedication, and insights of these staff are appreciated and… Read More